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JEE Main 2021: Chemistry Preparation Tips & Syllabus

Published 4 years ago

While preparing for JEE Main 2021, most students suffer a lot because they are underprepared for Chemistry.

Chemistry holds equal importance as the other two subjects, yet is often ignored by most of the students. If given proper consideration, Chemistry in JEE Main can turn out to be an asset in boosting your JEE Main score.

With appropriate guidance, a crisp study plan, some smart-work, and a lot of diligent work, scoring high marks in chemistry is totally possible. So how to make the most out of it? How can you get the maximum marks in JEE Main Chemistry? Is it possible to turn Chemistry into your strongest subject? As a matter of fact, yes. And that’s exactly what we are bringing to you in this article. 

1. Segregate Your JEE Main Syllabus
As we know, JEE Main Chemistry is divided into three sections namely, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. All three sections are different from one another and require different approaches to be conquered. Hence, students should understand the weightage each section holds, the difficulty level of these sections, and whether the questions asked are from NCERT or not. Having said that, students should have a complete understanding of the structure of JEE Main Chemistry. Knowing your enemy completely will help you win faster.

2. Have An Understanding Of The Type Of Questions Asked
Unlike Physics and Mathematics, it is difficult to study a pattern from the questions asked in JEE Main chemistry. Variations in the pattern of JEE Main chemistry are more than physics and mathematics. However, observing the paper, it can be easily inferred that most of the questions are theory-based and can be solved by studying NCERT books thoroughly. 

Following is a rough analysis of the questions asked in the chemistry sections:
Solved examples + Exercises given at the end of the NCERT textbook - 15-20
Previous years’ question papers - 15-20
Fact-based/out of NCERT - 2-5

3. Physical Chemistry:
15-20 questions in Chemistry are from the physical section i.e. numerical based. Physical chemistry is basically dominated by topics such as chemical and ionic equilibrium, redox, liquid solutions and electrochemistry. Around 8-12 questions in Physical Chemistry are based on these four topics. However, students should note that before beginning to solve the problem, it is important to study the concepts thoroughly. Following are some of the preparation strategies to ace physical chemistry:
• Read NCERT
• Make notes of important formula
• Revise the topics from different reference books
• Use the formulas in solving problems
• Add the extra information that you find in the reference books to your notes
• Solve previous year’s problems and all other questions that you can gather
• Keep practising and revising simultaneously

4. Organic Chemistry:
Organic chemistry comprises 14-18 questions. General Organic Chemistry is one of the most important topics in this section. A student cannot ace organic chemistry without understanding the concepts thoroughly. Additionally, students should equally focus on isomerism and effects. Studying these concepts will help solve most questions from organic chemistry. Moreover, students should remember that before beginning to solve questions from organic chemistry, they should completely understand GOC, hydrocarbons, Alcohol, Aldehyde, Amines and Alkyl Halide.

5. Inorganic Chemistry:
Observing the past few years, it can be inferred that inorganic chemistry has more weightage than organic/physical chemistry. Hence, ignoring inorganic chemistry will result in a huge blunder. Important chapters from inorganic chemistry are chemical bonding, p-block and coordination compounds. Collectively these have around 6-8 questions based on them. Most questions in inorganic chemistry are from the NCERT books. Hence, students should focus maximum on NCERT for this section.

JEE Main Exam Pattern:
JEE Main is an engineering entrance exam. The questions asked in JEE Main are objective in nature. There are a total of 75 questions asked in JEE Main. The 75 questions are equally segregated into three parts - physics, chemistry, and mathematics. Each section covers 25 questions. 4 marks are awarded for every correct answer. 1 mark is deducted for every wrong answer. All three subjects - physics, chemistry, and mathematics hold equal weightage.

Books For JEE Main- Chemistry
The best books recommended for JEE Main chemistry are

• NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class 11 and 12
• Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
• ABC of Chemistry for Classes 11 and 12 by Modern
• Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee
• Dinesh Chemistry Guide
• Practise books by VK Jaiswal (Inorganic), MS Chauhan (Organic) and N Awasthi (Physical)

(Content Source : ndtv)


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