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JEE Advanced answer keys 2018 released @jeeadv.ac.in

Published 6 years ago

The IIT Kanpur, the JEE Advanced exam conducting body, has released the answer keys for the JEE Advanced 2018 on the official website jeeadv.ac.in on Tuesday.

The candidates can submit their feedback on answer keys through candidate portal (cportal.jeeadv.ac.in) till May 30, 2018 by 5 pm.

This year 2.3 lakh candidates have qualified for the JEE Advanced examination as they secured the minimum rank in the JEE (Main) 2018 examination required for JEE Advanced test. Till 2017, only 2,20,000 candidates were eligible to take JEE Advanced.

As per the official notification, 1,57,496 candidates appeared for Paper 1 and 1,55,091 candidates appeared for Paper 2. A total of 7,326 candidates were absent for Paper 1 and 9,731 were absent for Paper 2. The students who skipped one paper are automatically disqualified. The results for JEE Advanced 2018 are expected in June 2018.

The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced is a national level engineering entrance exam conducted by seven zonal Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) under the guidance of Joint Admission Board (JAB) every year.

Suraj Krishna Bhogi from Andhra Pradesh topped the Joint Entrance Examination - Main (JEE Main), the result of which was declared by the Central Board of Seconday Examination (CBSE), on April 30 2018.

This year, around 10,43,739 candidates appeared for JEE Main 2018 examination. A total of 1,80, 331 boys cleared the exam, with 50,693 girls qualifying for the next stage.


source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com


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